Sunday, July 22, 2012

I'm doing double duty today as we were too busy yesterday to blog, so I will do my best to recall the past two days :)  One interesting tidbit from Friday night was when we were having dinner we struck up a conversation with the couple at the next table.  Turns out she works for CFIA and knows two people we do in Abbotsford.  Small world!  She came out to help with the avian flu epidemic....all the way from PEI.  That sounds cost effective!

The other ferry...we were on the "big" one which is still quite small
We left Pictou on Saturday morning to catch the ferry to PEI.  It is a 75 minute sailing.  We saw porpoises along the way!  PEI is best described as neat and tidy.  Lots of potatoe fields, with alot still blooming, which was beautiful.  A small island with a population slightly larger than Abbotsford.  We toured around the island, having lunch in Montague, and then heading over to the beach in Cavendish.  The water temperature was 18 degrees...seems so strange to have such warm ocean temperatures!  The beach was lovely. We passed by the Green Gables area as well. We had a nice dinner out with Tony & Linda as it was our last night together.

Lunch in Montague

View off the deck at lunch

On the beach in Cavendish

Potato Fields

This morning we left our B&B in Charlottetown and headed to the Confederation Bridge.  It seems strange to travel over the ocean on a bridge.  We arrived in New Brunswick on the other side.  We traveled to Auluc, where we stopped for coffee and sent Tony & Linda back to Nova Scotia.  We headed up the highway and had lunch in Miramichi, which is a town on the river.  We then continued on the highway until Bathurst, and then we took the coastal route.  It was wonderful!!  So picturesque with little towns along the way, and an ocean view.  In Bathurst we were detoured abit when we came into the downtown core as they were having a parade.  We almost were the late addition :)  Lovely town.  The weather was beautiful, sunny and warm, and the sights were amazing.  We continued along to Dalhousie, where we are spending the night.  We plan to head across the Gaspe Penninsula which will bring us to the St. Lawrence River, where we will follow along enroute to Quebec City.

Confederation Bridge

There are so many of these types of churches in the east coast

This highway sign was very frequent in southern New Brunswick!  Lots of dead porcupines along the highways in NB & NS

Lunch in Miramichi

Bathurst Downtown


Cemetery with alot of "permanent botanicals"...cemeteries attached to most churches in the east coast, in prime real estate!

Pit Stop in Charo? just before Dalhousie


  1. Looks great!

    Is the picture supposed to suggest Kevan is a lobster or did you have some more lobster before leaving the coast?

    Maybe you can pump french instructional audio from the iphone, do some learning along the way.

  2. Miss you guys already. We arrived home around 3 PM. It looks like we missed a very scenic trip. We are off to the gym this morning - guess why???

    We look forward to following you all the way home.

    Tony and Linda
