Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Today we left Middleton for the last time and headed to Peggy's Cove.  The shoreline ride was amazing.  Beautiful scenery and great biking roads.  We walked around Peggy's Cove, climbed over the rocks on the shore and had lunch.  The rocks are so smooth and weathered.  A drastic contrast to the West Coast!  We then headed along the shoreline again up to Halifax, where we are spending the night.  Tomorrow we are leaving at 8am to head up to Port Hawksbury.  We plan to take the longer route along the coast line, rather than taking the main highway, so that should be scenic.  We think this will probably take us close to 8 hours with stops.  The weather has been cooperating, which is great.  We began our day with overcast skies and cooler temperatures, but by the time we left Peggy's Cove the sun was out and it was a nice 26 degrees.  Tomorrow we hope to avoid any rain, as the forecast is for showers in the morning in Halifax, but we are heading out of town so our plan is to find the sun!  Thursday morning we start the Cabot Trail, and will spend the night at the tip of Cape Breton Island.  Not sure about cell service here, so this may be my last post for the next few days.  I'll take pictures and make up for lost time when we are in PEI.  We are having a great time and enjoying the beautiful scenery and friendly Nova Scotia people.

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