Wednesday, July 25, 2012


We left Quebec City alittle earlier this morning, and took Highway 40 to Ottawa.  A quick stop for breakfast and another one for gas and a snack, and we arrived in Ottawa around 2pm.  Checked into our hotel and had a relaxing afternoon.  We are meeting friends for dinner downtown, which we will walk to, and will most likely head to Peterborough tomorrow.  The trip today was not scenic, as we stayed on the major highway, but passed through Montreal with mostly clear sailing right through.  The weather is good, with mid 20 temperatures.  There is a storm going through Toronto tonight, but we think we will be north enough to skirt that.  We are a day ahead of our loose schedule at this point, so we know we can take our time going through Ontario and stop and see the sights along the way. I haven't taken pictures yet today, but this evening will probably give opportunity for some, so I'll post those tomorrow!

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