Thursday, August 16, 2012

August 13 Vernon to Whistler

We left our nice resort this morning and took the highway through Falkland and on to Kamloops.  We followed along Kamloops Lake to Cache Creek.  More beautiful riding roads.

Kamloops Lake

At Cache Creek we made at stop at the Hat Creek Ranch.  Kevan had been by here a few years ago, but wasn't able to tour as he was there too early in the day, so we stopped to look around.

We had a guided tour of the Roadhouse that was built in the 1860's to cater to miners during the gold rush as well as a resting place for stagecoaches.  We went into the saloon, where men could relax at the end of the day.  They could purchase a one ounce glass of whiskey for  $0.25 that was made by the Hudson Bay Company.  That was alot of money, and few men could afford it.  In those days, bullets also cost $0.25, so you could trade a bullet for a whiskey, and to this day that one ounce glass is referred to a shot glass, because you could buy it for a bullet.

Our coach coming to get us.  We sat up top like these gentlemen did.

Kevan & I going for our coach ride.  We actually got to trot for abit!

After the gold rush the ranch turned into a fulltime cattle ranch and in it's heyday, was 2600 acres in size, changed many owners over its lifetime, and was operated as an active ranch until the 1960's when it was almost abandoned.  BC Hydro purchased it on anticipation of starting a coal fired generating plant.  After the purchase, it was discovered that the coal grade was so poor it would not be viable to operate.  It was then taken over by the Heritage Society and is now run as a historical site and educational tool for schools.

There is also a Native Interpretation Site here, and we toured that as well.  We learned how the Shuswap First Nations People cooked their food, fished, tanned hides and built shelters.  It was very informative.

After a quick snack, we were off on Highway 99 to Lillooet.  We have done this ride a few times before, but always in the opposite direction.  It was like a new ride!  From Lillooet, we continued on to Pemberton, on the Duffy Lake Road and then Whistler. This ride is so scenic!

On the way to Lillooet

Duffy Lake

The road we travelled

Hazy skies...smoke from forest fires
Green Lake

Snow on the mountains behind Whistler

We got to Whistler late afternoon.  After a quick shower, we headed into the village for dinner.  Whistler is a beautiful place!  It was fun to be a tourist.

The creek we crossed to go into the village

Tomorrow will be our last day on the road!  It has been a great adventure!!

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