Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Marathon to Thunder Bay

Well...Marathon was an adventure, but not one we'd like to repeat.  When travelling through the area, don't stop.  We got hosed by the only cab driver in Marathon who charged us $16 to go 8 meter, and when we questioned him as to this being perhaps a return trip, he just laughed and said we'd be paying the same price to get back to the motel.  We showed him!  The nice restaurant owner gave us a ride back after our meal, because he was disgusted by how we had been treated.  The one bright spot of the evening.  The trip to Thunder Bay on Tuesday was picturesque again.  

We had a short travel day, but still took all day to get there because we got distracted by attractions along the way.  Beautiful beaches, waterfalls, the Terry Fox memorial and wonderful biking roads.

Beautiful Beach in Terrance Bay

Kevan enjoying the one around!
Aguasabun Falls at Terrace Bay Beach

The lighthouse at Terrace Bay

We carried on and around the first corner saw the sign for the falls.  Wanting to check that out, we came to a park with this nice walk way to a view point to the Aguasabon River Gorge, which was above the falls in the previous picture with our bike in it.  Nicely done!

The walk way stairs, so wheel chair friendly!

The River Gorge

We left this beautiful area, and headed to Nipigon for lunch.  We headed down to the lake, but couldn't find a gas station or much for a restaurant.  Kevan was looking for patio umbrellas on the waterfront, but there were none. They did have the smallest Canadian Tire in Canada though! We headed back up to the highway, and found numerous gas stations and a small restaurant to have lunch at.
More beautiful beaches on Lake Superior

The road we travelled...lots of rock walls like these

This rock wall had red stone

As we neared Thunder Bay we travelled on the same road Terry Fox did before he was forced to quit his run.  It brings new meaning to what he accomplished after travelling as far as we have with a motor.  I can't even imagine how hard it would have been to run as far as he did with one leg and cancer re-invading his body.  He was truly amazing.  The last 100km of road is named the Courage Highway in his honor.  This is on Highway 17.

Terry Fox Memorial.  Sits above the highway in a park dedicated to him.  Beautiful views of Thunder Bay below.

This is the view, although it was hazy, so hard to see in this picture.  Lake Superior in the background, city to the right.

We had a good night in Thunder Bay.  Kevan was approached by "Terry from Victoria" a fellow Harley rider who noticed our BC plates.  He left Victoria and is headed to Halifax, where his wife is meeting him.  He showed Kevan the road carnage on his bike and clothes....apparently we are in for alot of bugs in the prairies!  So far we haven't had too much bug splatter, and we are hoping that maybe the thunderstorms that have hit the prairies have eradicated half the population?? I know, wishful thinking.  We enjoyed a lovely dinner at The Keg...we were given a gift certificate before we left from Chris & Leona..thanks guys!  We were looking for a predictable dining experience after Marathon :-) It was good. 

Off to Kenora on Wednesday!

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