Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Thunder Bay to Kenora

This morning we left Thunder Bay, with a forecast for possible thundershowers.  We decided to get going and hoped for the best.  After being on the road for about an hour or so, we pulled over to top up the gas tank, and saw dark clouds and could hear the roll of thunder.  We got our rain gear on...

Thunder clouds

Storm a-brewing!

Along with the highest price of gas yet! (the Harley does like champagne grade)

and drove about 2 minutes, the road veered left and voila!!

Blue skies!

Parts of the trip today were through somewhat barren land, but 80% was great riding roads, and lots and lots of little lakes.  The trip up to Dryden had alot of semis as well..this was a common view.

We stopped for coffee in Ignace, and then headed to Dryden for lunch.  The trip from Dryden to Kenora was very scenic again, with great riding roads.  We had warm sunny weather all the way through to Kenora.

One of the many little lakes along the way

I think this was Nixon Lake

Kenora is a beautiful little town, and right on a lake.  We were fortunate to have a water front view from our hotel room!  So many boaters here.  A very busy waterfront!

Welcome to Kenora!  This is for you Dave :-)

View from our room...really hard to take!

Looking off to the right - drug store, bank, bait shop, etc. for the boaters 

We had dinner in the restaurant in the hotel, as it had the water view as well.  We wanted to try walleye for dinner.  We had not had it before and it was very good!!

Checking out the menu

The sun going down on another beautiful day!!
Kenora is on Lake of the Woods, which is the premiere boating destination in North America.  There are 14522 islands in this lake.  Isn't that amazing?!

We have been on the road for 18 days and have logged 5540km.  We have gone through 5 provinces and 3 time zones.   Tomorrow we leave Ontario and head to Winnipeg, Manitoba, for Crys & Denley's wedding.  Ontario truly has been "ours to discover".  

1 comment:

  1. See, Ontario isn't so bad? Particularly if you have a boat, or a friend with one!
